Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Caveman question to make you think

Do you think that the gender role people relate to is naturally given to them or learned throughout the persons lifetime?


  1. To a certain extent, a person is born with their gender role. When we are born, we are born with either higher levels of testosterone or estrogen which helps determine our emotions and personality. On the other hand, from the day we are born we are dressed in either pink(for girls) or blue(for boys). Our parents are giving us our gender roles straight from the womb!

  2. People will naturally relate to their gender role in life because they are brought up seeing how everything is supposed to be for a boy and a girl, and they would feel out of place if they went against the norm.

  3. I think that it can be learned throughout someones lifetime. Sure when they are dressed in those certain colors it states weather you are a boy or girl. But that's when you are younger and don't really have a choice. The older you get, you get to make your own choices.

  4. I agree with Michelle, because when you are first born you will either be put in a blue or pink blanket. As you get older you will be able to pick what you want to wear and you don't have to go color wise.

  5. People aren't born knowing that my job is to cook and clean, or that I am supposed to make money for our family. It is from our society and from our parents that show us the gender roles. It is shown everyday in on tv and in magazines what the role and duties of a typical house wife is supposed to be. The only instinct I feel woman are born with would be their maternal instinct. It is our society who has put in our heads that the man must work and the woman should clean.

  6. The gender role is both given and learned throughout life. It is given to use the second the doctor says "its a boy" or "its a girl" they'll either wrap you in a blue or pink blanket. When a person grows up they learn what boys are suppose to do and what girls are suppose to do.

  7. It is learned through society and not inborn I've heard of some really old societies that no one learns about and may just be made up where men stay at home and women go so stuff

  8. hey guys this is ben,

    it is obviously given to them. girls have short hair when they are born and so do boys. i agree with michelle and cassie that you are expected to act a certain way if you're a boy or a girl. you are taught the norms and beliefs how to act like your gender.

  9. When you are born sure you are put into a blue or pink blanket depending on what gender you are. However, when you are that young there are no gender expectations of you. Every little kid is expected to act the same for the most part. As you get older though, you are expected to do certain things if you are a boy and certain things if you are a girl. So I think it is definitely learned throughout life.

  10. I agree with Rachel that when you are really little you don't have control of what you ware and what kind of toys you have. But when you get older you go along with everyone else and do whats expected from you. I don't think it's right that the media is teaching kids that the women does all the cleaning and cooking and the man goes out and works. Men are just as capable of cooking and cleaning as women are. And women are just as capable of working as a man.

  11. We are born and we are giving things from family and friends that represent our gender like a boy might get a toy truck or something for when he gets a little older and a girl might be given a doll. But as we get older the society can change people and how they dress and act. A girl might dress or act like a guy and a guy might act or dress more on the feminine side.

  12. I also agree with ben when he says that you are expected to act a certain way you are born because you are labeled with the status of being a boy or a girl.

  13. I think that they way we are raised and they way we are taught to relate to other genders and what we are supposed to do around the house and in society will effect how we behave. Such as in my house, both of my parents worked full time jobs and they would alternate who cooked dinner, and once me and my brother got older and could cook we would have one day a week each when we would cook a meal for the family(getting help by mom and dad of corse). We would all help out with chores and have certain jobs to do. So i feel that the man and woman of the house should have equal responsibilites and duties in the household. "If YOU make a mess, YOU clean it up."

  14. I really agree with Cara! If you make the mess you should have to clean it up not anyone else.
